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2025 Scholarship Application

* Required Fields

Please note: you are eligible to receive the scholarship only if you plan to attend an accredited educational institution in the Fall semester of 2025. All scholarship winners will be required to present a proof of enrollment for that semester. Undergraduate seniors may apply only if they plan to attend a grad school in the Fall semester of 2025.

All scholarship awards must be deposited to your PSFCU account by December 31, 2025. After that date, the award will no longer be valid.

Personal Information

Please enter N/A if not applicable

Date of Birth:
 /   / 

Have you ever received PSFCU Scholarship? (You can only receive the scholarship once on the undergraduate and once on the graduate level):
What was your school level at the time:
Your Status in the US :

Academic Information

Your current status as of Spring semester 2025:
Your current status as of Spring semester 2025:

List all institutions attended since high school
(please include all institutions starting with most recent)

Academic Achievements

In the section below, please list up to ten most important academic achievements, e.g.: Seal of Biliteracy, Scholarships Received, Dean’s List, Honors Classes, Advanced Placement achievements, SAT and ACT achievements (voluntary), Honor Societies, Awards, Internships, or other, including year received and brief description. 

Graduate students may include research assistance and publications, Engagement in field work related to the major, or other.

Extracurricular Involvement/Work

Please fill in information related to involvement in athletics and/or sports teams and accomplishments received, youth organizations, professional organizations and memberships, college clubs, volunteering. Lists should be in order of importance. Please enter each activity/achievement only once - do not duplicate information. Note duration and time commitment of your involvement and any offices held. Please list up to 10 activities from the last 4 years only. Only information listed below will be considered by the Committee. Do NOT send any additional materials.

For graduate students, please list the work history related to the major of your study.

Work History

List your 5 most important jobs (above 10 hours/week) or community service (above 50 hours/year) performed over the past 4 years, if not included in the information above.

Community Engagement

Describe in detail your connection to the communities Polish & Slavic Federal Credit Union serves.

Part A. 

1) Mandatory. List your community involvement, activities, accomplishments, and leadership positions, inclusive of but not limited to attendance and completion of language/ethnic/supplementary schools, participation in scouts or other youth organizations, language/cultural college clubs, assistance, or volunteering in church and/or other institution(s) or community-based organizations, participation in music/folk dance or noteworthy performance, leadership, and service. Add only those you DID NOT list in other sections.

Part B. 

2) Mandatory. Answer the following essay question in English (minimum 100, maximum 300 words).  
Your essay will be graded on content and standards of writing.
How do you volunteer and engage in the community the PSFCU serves and how are you being proactive in promoting the Polish and Slavic communities through your commitment, sharing skills and academic and non-academic experiences?

Capacity and Potential

Answer the following essay questions in English (minimum 100, maximum 300 words).  
Your essays will be graded on content and standards of writing.



When you reflect on your achievements and community engagement, what are your goals and aspirations for the future? 



Is there anything else you would like the PSFCU Scholarship Committee to know about you and the challenges you overcame?


The Committee requires one academic recommendation from a faculty member or instructor that has taught you in college/graduate school and can evaluate your academic performance at college/graduate school level. The second recommendation can be from a professor/ academic instructor, coach, work supervisor, extracurricular activity or community leader - anyone (other than a family member) whose opinion you feel will be relevant for the Committee.

Please enter contact information of referring persons and inform them that they will receive an automated reference request email from PSFCU upon submission of the scholarship application. Please ask the referring person to check his/her junk mail as well. All reference letters must be submitted through the link provided in the request email by the referring person by March 1, 2025.


How did you learn about the PSFCU scholarship? (Check all that apply):

Certification and Release Authorization

The following information must be completed for the applicant to be considered for a scholarship award.

Supporting documents

Please submit copies of the following supporting documentation (mandatory). Required documents must be submitted at the time of application. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Security Code:

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